Way back I blogged about meeting Emily, the volunteer who came to the Children’s Sleep Disorder Clinic at Hospital 5 nights a week after work, to help settle the children – one of which was my 3 year old son hooked up to dozens of wires. Emily’s main job was as a preschool teacher. She wanted to give some of her skills back to those in need and chose the hospital to do so. (If you want to recap the story, then click here to read about AMAZING Emily).
You may recall that my son and I made a special card and sent it to Emily and we slipped in a small store voucher to thank her. In my view, there is not much that is more rewarding than thanking others for something that they have done. We knew that we would never see or hear from Emily ever again.
WELL……. TODAY something wonderful happened to my son Jordan. We brought the mail in and there was a card for him. It was a card with a puppy dog holding a flower in his mouth. It just so happens that Jordan L O V E S puppy dogs and has an innate connection with the beauty of flowers and the meaning of giving to others. Jordan never fails to pick a flower for me EVERY day after day care. He always brings it home and greets me as I walk in with the hand picked flower and an “I love you Mummy”. Every single day this happens and every single day I smile. If I ever doubt the wonder of a child, I can simply reflect on these moments and be humbled at his grace and love.
Jordan opened the envelope (well he actually ripped it open with hands shaking with excitement) and I then read it to him. It was from Emily. Jordan remembered Emily as clear as daylight ……. and he only met her for no more than 15 minutes, months before and in an anxious situation (yes, she touches lives !). The card read “Dear Jordan …… I’m not sure if you remember me but it’s Emily from …….. Sorry it’s taken so long to write to you, but I was getting ready for my overseas trip. I am in Holland now. I absolutely LOVED your card. It was so thoughtful and …. I even have it with me in Europe to keep me safe….. “.
Jordan turned to me and said “I miss Emily”.
Emily touched our lives and we thanked her. Little did we know that we touched her life as well. All we did was thank someone for being great. Do you think that every time that Emily looks at that card she will remember that she is a great person ? ABSOLUTELY. Do you think that she will keep that card somewhere forever ? FOR SURE. The lesson to learn is to thank people for doing great things. Thank people that aren’t used to being thanked. Notice people that aren’t used to being noticed. The more people that believe they are great, the greater they become. The best thing that YOU can do is pass this lesson onto the next generation !
Safe travels Emily !