I was driving to see a client in Mosman in Sydney a couple of days ago and was struck by some seriously GREAT MARKETING. I passed a prominent Pub on the way and some posters jumped out in front of me. They were so effective that I remembered the script on each, which is amazing in itself as I was literally at the set of lights outside the pub for no more than a couple of minutes.
Here are two of the messages on the large, poster collateral on the balcony of the pub;
- “Age knows no barriers.”
- “Who said scratch marks are out of the question?”
Immediately this grabbed my attention as the instinctual thought was “what has this got to do with a pub ?”. Another glance along a few metres gave me the answer. The next 2 posters said;
- “Adopt a Cougar”
- “Cougar Kingdom”.
For those that do not know what the message means or indeed what a Cougar is, I will endeavour to explain………..
The dictionary says that a Cougar is “a large tawny cat;….. now greatly reduced in number and endangered in some areas”. But, I don’t think that this pub had THAT meaning in mind. A cougar is actually a woman over the age of 40 (generally) who exclusively pursues young men. The woman could be already in a relationship or single. The young man could be the age of the woman’s sons.
With this in mind, the thoughts that went through my mind played havoc with my morals whilst igniting my passion for smart marketing. The questions I asked were; Is this right ?; Is this pushing the boundaries ?; Is this taking advantage of a gap in the market ?; Is this morally right or wrong ?; Will it be successful?; How many will they get attending on their first night ?; How do they get both Cougars and younger men to be plentiful enough ?; Is this smart of simply taking advantage of a trend ?; Will this be a success?; ….. and more……..
I’m sure that these questions run through the minds of many people that pass this pub. The point of this is, can YOU bring to mind a marketing strategy that has provoked such thoughts or taken your mind away from what you were doing. Or in your business, can you find a marketing campaign that gets people thinking like this ? The fact of the matter is that if you fitted into the profile of a Cougar or a younger man and you were interested in such an event, then you WOULD DEFINITELY find out more about it, wouldn’t you ? Now THAT Is GREAT marketing. Congratulations to the Pub and their marketing team for such an amazing campaign !
There is however a downside to this story, which could make the campaign fall flat on its face. For the purpose of telling you guys about this (as I am happily married and definitely not Cougar material!! – and there are no other White Now team members in this category – as far as I know !), I went to the pub’s website to see what the event was really about and all I found was one banner saying “Cougar Kingdom Coming Soon”. There was no link to any further information and all the great marketing that was on display at the pub was not to be seen on the website. They did not follow through and think about where their future customers may go to find out more.
Does YOUR company market well in one area and fall down in another ? Have you got all areas of your market segments covered ? Remember this story when you review your marketing campaigns. The lesson is priceless.