White Now recently interviewed Tanya and Paul Gorton from ‘RPT Promotions’ to uncover their journey to where they are now along with the ups and downs of running your own business. Here is what they had to say over a good cuppa:
WhiteNow: “So Tanya, where did the name RPT Promotions come from?”
Tanya: “RPT are Paul’s REAL bosses, Ruby, Poppie and Tanya. Ruby and Poppie are our two adorable daughters and I’m Paul’s wife! Paul is constantly reminded every time he sees our company name, of the reasons why he works so hard and the real meaning of life, his family. The company has been around for 6 years and we will be around another 60 if I have my say. We are already training Ruby and Poppie to take over. ”
WhiteNow: “What is it that RPT actually do Paul?”
Paul: “We get bums of all kinds on seats. Once the bums are on our clients’ seats, then we make sure that our clients get money in their bank accounts and smiles on their customers’ faces – it’s pretty simple.”
Paul: “I’m super proud that the industry knows us as the leader in this kind of business. It shows that when you put in the hard work you get customers returning time and time again.”
WhiteNow: “So with all of what you provide, you must have large premises and offices to operate out of?”
Paul: “Are you serious? We could think of nothing worse than working out of big corporate offices. We are a very serious and professional company, but we never want to be seen as elitist or exclusive. We have a separate building on our property that our team work out of. It is metres from our home but far enough away to know that we are ‘going to work’. We are a business built around good old values and genuine service. ”

WhiteNow: “Tanya, how did you grow your business to what it is now?”
Tanya: “Well it is pretty simple. We have a bunch of family values that we live by and realised that they could also be the values we adopt for our business as well. We live and breathe those values. Our girls learn these values from us as well. In fact Poppie, Ruby and I can recite them off by heart. Our favourite ones that ring true in the business are; to do our best, tell the truth, be happy, keep our promises and our favourite of all is to help each other.”
Paul: “We got the formula right in RPT and when we recognised that business is all about living your values, then the business just took off. We care about our customers but we also care about our family and our team.”
WhiteNow: “What do you mean when you say you care about your team? What do you do differently?”
Tanya: “I guess it’s because we know how important kids are when growing up, We make sure that our staff take time to fit in things like school concerts, horse riding lessons, sports carnivals and even canteen duty. We just make the business work and do you know what, we all work more efficiently when we have this incredible work/life balance. The simple things like seeing the kids happy makes for a happy team and a happy business. We are super serious about our business but not so serious about life.”
WhiteNow: “So Tanya, what IS Paul like to work with – you can be honest?”
Tanya: “Ha, honestly? He is the most passionate, corny, fun and loveable clown in the business, and he is the most amazing Dad to our girls. Paul’s originally from Cornwell but reckons he’s an Aussie because his first job in Australia was in the Vegemite factory. If you really want to know, he hates Vegemite! He will do anything for his customers and prides himself on saying that you can contact him 24/7, just like the hours that our industry operates in. He has taken calls at midnight from Club Managers needing urgent meat trays by 9.30am the next morning. He never complains, he just makes it happen. That is one thing everyone loves about Paul – you can count on him when you need him the most.
WhiteNow: “Tanya, thanks for being so honest – we wish you all the best ”
To hear what Paul’s daughter Poppie thinks about her dad, listen to this ‘Hughesy and Kate Podcast’ about ‘how embarrassing parents are’. Head to the 10.00 minute position and get ready to have a laugh. Click here: https://soundcloud.com/hughesyandkate/hughesy-and-kate-podcast-181016
Here’s a list of stuff RPT Promotions do for clubs and pubs:
- Provide all sorts of prizes and promo items and giftware. They even have a huge range of white goods and appliances.
- Design, run and report on promotions games and campaigns
- Host bingo and housie, trivia and raffles with THE best damn promo hosts in the country
- Provide meat trays, fruit and veggie trays, seafood trays in fact any trays that a client wants.
Basically RPT Promotions are THE go to people for everything you need for your promotions!
CONTACT RPT Promotions
Phone: 02 4572 1585
Email: tanya@rptpromotions.com.au
Website: www.rptpromotions.com.au