Are you ready to hear about one of the silliest things that we have ever done ? Talk about not thinking something through properly … geesh ………
White Now have all the new, wiz bang credit card facilities for customers to make payment for our services, but it’s just a fact that some still want to receive their paper invoice in the mail and we are just fine with that. When we mail invoices we often send little gifts inside the envelope as an added thank you. Here is where the stupidity begins !
We had lots of White Now branded, double pack bickies from the guys at ‘Bite Size Coffee Treats’ and I thought, “what a great little gift to send with our next lot of invoices”. It’s a little different to the jelly babies and similar things we often send.
Well it wasn’t until we had sent a ridiculous amount of these bickies out over many weeks that I received a very sweet email with this pic attached. There was no message, just this picture !

Here is a closer up pic of ‘the totally crushed bickies’ – WOOPS !
This is what I had done – I had sent out over 100 invoices with these delicious bickies inside NOT thinking at all that they would be crushed in the mail (D’oh). Trust me, this is NOT the bickie company’s fault, this is total stupidity from one individual (yes that would be me). I can also tell you that if it wasn’t for this one caring customer sending us a pic of what he received, that we would still be sending these gifts via mail with our invoices wasting lots of money and undoubtedly annoying the recipient each and every time and not knowing that they were arriving more like crumb bases ready to be made into cheesecake bases.
It’s funny that sometimes you have no idea that you are doing something wrong until some kind and thoughtful person points it out. It is only because this helpful Club Manager emailed us a picture of our special ‘gift’ that we realised that this little gift was not a gift that traveled well !
If you see your supplier or any colleague in fact doing something that doesn’t work for you, why don’t you find a way to let them know in a gentle and encouraging way. It will help them change the way that they do things …. and for the better!
Yours in stupidity
Jenny ‘Homer‘ White
CEO of