After 52 years in Rozelle, Balmain Tigers is now officially closed for redevelopment. The Club has in the mean time, opened two smaller sites at Flemington Markets and Five Dock. With this closure came the redundancy of 30 or so staff. It is a tough decision when a Club has to inform its often, long term and loyal staff of their future redundancy. Some of the staff that had been made redundant had been with Tigers for over 20 years. Sunday 28th March 2010 was a sad day – the closing of Tigers, mixed with the feeling of a positive future with a new and exciting redevelopment already started.
White Now were honoured to have been called in to assist with the Outplacement Program for a number of redundant staff. With this Program was the offer of interview training, resume and career direction training, skills audits and ongoing mentoring. Our wonderful Toby delivered a fantastic session to a group of soon-to-be redundant staff on preparing a powerful resume and winning at interview. Through this experience, the White Now team saw a bunch of dedicated, positive and enthusiastic people who looked at their redundancy as a chance to do great things, look at their lives as a whole and actually CREATE their own futures. There were people who wanted to change direction totally, some wanted to find exactly the same role in another club, others wanted to search overseas for a role and some wanted to follow their dream of working part time. What WAS refreshing though was that everyone was positive. It is a credit to each and every person at Tigers for adopting the right attitude and being positive. Thanks to you all for simply being great !
It was an absolute pleasure for White Now to be involved in the Outplacement and Redeployment of the Tigers team and we wish those CHAMPIONS all the best with the next stage of their lives. – Think like a champion and you will become a champion !